I participated as an exhibition curator to 2019’s Lancaster University final Design exhibit, ‘Scaling our Futures’. Alongside two amazing colleagues - Sara d’Angelo and Amy Burnett- and with help of the Imagination Lab team and technicians, we were able to create an enriching and thought-provoking exhibit.
The exhibit focused on the question ‘What is the future we really need?’. This allowed the public not only to question the Design of the present and future but also to reflect on what is wanted and what is needed; inspiring change.
My role in this project was focused on the space design and interactivity of the space and artefacts. Although, due to a constraint of time and lack of people involved, I participated in the production of graphic design works.
In hindsight, being involved in this project was on one hand one of the most challenging and emotionally-tiring design work I have ever been part of, on another hand it was one of the most enriching and rewarding experience in Design.
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